View From The Cheap Seats
2 min readApr 22, 2021

An associate of mine left a great list of ideas for how to repair the problem we have with police.


Feel free to add ideas in the comments. Thank you!

  1. Vicarious liability of governments for their employees.
  2. Governmental liability under a takings doctrine like strict liability for compensatory damages for all violations of constitutional rights even if not intentional.
  3. Subject police pensions to civil rights liability.
  4. End qualified immunity from civil liability for police officers.
  5. National blacklist of bad cops.
  6. Give courts in civil rights actions the right to order entities to fire civil rights violators and to black list civil rights violators.
  7. Use unarmed civilians for welfare checks.
  8. Systemically and automatically ethics violations by prosecutors.
  9. Make law enforcement officers employees at will and management and hence not eligible to unionize and vigorously fire and suspend officers who engage in misconduct.
  10. Decriminalize ordinance violations and many other offenses to make them have just civil money penalties avoiding arrests and potential for death in confrontations.
  11. Allow dash cam imposition of traffic citations on people who flee.
  12. Get cops out of schools.
  13. Increase education and background check requirements for cops.
  14. Limit law enforcement overtime.
  15. Create a department appointed by chief public defender to prosecute bad cops administratively and criminally.
  16. Disqualify judges with law enforcement/DA backgrounds from hearing bad cop criminal cases.
  17. Send trained mental health professionals on every mental health call.
  18. Criminalize sex with arrestees and detainees and subjects of their work by law enforcement.
  19. Substitute “day fines” for jail terms when possible.
  20. Vigorously investigate every case where evidence is excluded under the 4th or 6th Amendment as a police misconduct case.

